Sketchbook Sundays #001: Plus-Size Pinup Practice

So I in the previous post I made the road to my first show I shared that I am trying to get better at drawing plus sized curvy women. And while working on these paint projects adds to that practice I need to still practice more forms and shapes and that needs to be worked on in the trusty sketch book.

it’s challenging finding time to put in practice. But this is the time you get better. This is the fighting game training mode level that you need to be in practicing your combos.

While we can’t always get in there everyday spending a few minutes add up. This post is what will help me make more time practice. I’m going to try to share my sketchbook work that I’m proud of weekly. And who knows maybe some of these will become actual pieces one day.

So to start it off I’m sharing a bunch of sketches that I’ve worked on the past two years. Even looking at the progress I’ve made even with inconsistency I notice the improvements. And hopefully with a focused effort I will be able to progress even more in the next few years.

So here is some of my old work. The majority of them are unfinished but doesn’t matter these are all just building blocks.


The Road to The Show #000