Backlog Bussin: Mafia Definitive Edition & Dynasty Warriors Origins

I remember back when mafia 3 first launched and there was so much news about it and it was given not the best reviews. But over the past few years especially recently I have had a desire to say forget what all of the critics think and to stop paying attention to the what's hot and what's not in the gaming world. At least getting my news about a games from actual first hand experience vs watching or listening to someone else's opinion on it. I 've played mafia 3 a handful of times and I've always really enjoyed it. It can be a bit tedious but if you are playing games to enjoy them and interact with the content the developers made vs trying to white knuckle and platinum my way through games like its a relay race to the next game. I've never completed mafia 3. mostly because I didn't have time and lost interest like most hobbies that fall to the way side.

But Now I want to experience these games in my own lens with a blind playthrough and without the internet telling me what I should spend my time playing. So I've decide to go through the entire mafia trilogy and see what the fuss is about with all these games. I don't want to call these reviews because I'm not trying to tell someone what they should or shouldn't put their time into. But what I want to do is take in the game and open a discussion about each one that I've gone through. I'd also like to invite players that have played any of these games and enjoyed them to share their opinions and thoughts on the game with me via email at I'll even put them on the site and respond in one of these blog entries.

Also on the now playing list is the new Dynasty Warriors Origin. I have been a dynasty warriors fan all the way be when DW 2 first came out. since then the games changed a lot. Now I haven't played every entry but I have played many in the mainline series and a few of the anime and samurai spin-offs. But none really scratched the itch like Dynasty Warriors 2 did. I'm not sure its because of it being a little bit more difficult because your one man army can't mow down thousands of people by himself like you can in the newer series that they are more known for. Maybe its the bodyguard system they had that made you actually care about your little squishy and weak protectors so that they can be upgraded and become stronger as your character gets better and your bodyguards become npc horsemen of the apocalypse mowing down enemeies without me pressing a button.

I can't tell you what it is but all I know is just like kids keep saying today that shit just hits different. Now when I played the new DW demo I was very impressed. The combat felt difficult and it seemed like there was a lot more challenge and depth to the combat than ever before even bringing back in some way the body guards. Which I'm only 50% of the way through the game things can still be introduced to me that I'm not sure of. But it got me super excited for the new release. So 32 hours into it and I'm loving it. I'll have a more in-depth discussion about it later after I complete it but this might be one of the 100% games for me. I'm not sure yet because this series is notorious for having mountains of content to get through and replay to get to 100% completion and I have a few other games on the backlog that I'd like to get to before the next Playstation comes out.

But I look forward to sharing my thoughts about these two games now its time to spend this Saturday afternoon grinding out some levels.


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